Health & Safety

On Course Worker Health and Safety

There are continuing incidents where players:

  • fail to be aware of surroundings in the field of play;
  • impatience; 
  • lack of common sense
  • have placed green’s staff and outside workers at risk on the course.

All players need to be aware that green’s staff/outside workers have the right of way anywhere on the course.

The course work areas include greens, green surround areas, sand traps, fairways, rough; anywhere on the course that is in the field of play.

Players are reminded to please allow green’s staff/ outside workers to finish their task and move out of the way safely.

A player should not hit their shot:

  • onto the green if the flag is removed;
  • towards, or in the vicinity of any worker;

unless that worker:

  • replaces the flag and moves away from the green; or
  • acknowledges the player and waves for play to continue; or
  • moves away from the playing area.”